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Tim Bone

Create an experience with Tim Bone

Co-Host Good Chef Bad Chef

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About me

  • Chef

MasterChef Australia Semi-Finalist Tim Bone quickly became one of MasterChef’s popular contestants with his flair for food and down-to-earth personality, making it into the top four in Season 11, 2019. 

Tim moved to Ballarat to study at Federation Uni in 2005 and started working at Yuille Park Community College in 2008, helping under privileged and special needs children. He also ran after school programs several nights a week, and then went on to run the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program and community cafe, inspiring young children and teaching them value of healthy eating. Whilst this was a role he loved, MasterChef gave him the support and confidence he needed to go out on his own and make food his career.

He proudly launched his gourmet toasted sandwich business, Tim's Toasties, in 2019 and frequents a number of local farmers markets and events
Tim is passionate about serving up generous toasties with delicious and inventive flavour combinations, with names inspired by film and music - two of Tim’s other passions in life. Tim also loves to showcase his cooking talents, sharing his knowledge and performing cooking demonstrations for those who are just as passionate about food.

Tim is an ambassador for:
- We Are Ballarat
- Ballarat Mazda
- Optus
- Cleavers Organic Meats
- Daylesford and Hepburn Mineral Springs Co.
- Keeley's Cause

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