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Kelly Richardson

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The Gourmet Nutritionist

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About me

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British born Kelly Richardson is a leading Nutritionist and Sports Nutritionist, who specialises in nourishing the body and educating and improving people’s relationship with food. Her passions lie in teaching people what to cook, how to cook it and educating on why the ingredients benefit their health and wellbeing.

Kelly’s love of food sparked a passion for travel, and by her mid-20s she had ventured over Asia, South America and Australia; backpacking and eating her way around some of the most beautiful places in the world. It was her time in Australia that showed Kelly where the next chapter of her life would begin.


Kelly and her husband now own Fresh Start Gym in Narrabeen. She has been responsible for creating & conducting a variety of educational weight loss, weight management and sports performance nutritional programs, all centred on eating real food and education. Kelly has helped change the lives of hundreds of people; teaching them to make long-term positive health and lifestyles changes.


Kelly developed ‘The Gourmet Nutritionist’ in line with her beliefs that everyone should have a balanced mind, body, and soul.  ‘The Gourmet Nutritionist’ provides a platform for her to share her knowledge, recipes and encourage people to be the best versions of themselves. Kelly’s recipes are nutritious, delicious, time and cost effective for the whole family to enjoy. She transforms traditional recipe and methods to create clean, delicious and nutritional versions of these household favourites. 

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