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Larissa Dominello

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Food Personality

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About me

  • Celebrity
  • Entertainment
  • Reality Star
  • Media
  • Influencer
  • Chef

Larissa, affectionally known as Larry, is Australia’s MasterChef winner of 2019, the youngest to ever win the series on Network Ten. 

Always full of life, it was her unpretentious mix of confidence and tenacity that won the viewer's and judges' hearts. Born and raised in Sydney in a big Lebanese family, Larissa says her fondest memories of food started on her grandparent’s peach farm. Food is the key ingredient that brings her large family together.

After finishing high school in 2014, Larissa went to Macquarie University where she studied a bachelor’s degree in business administration, but it was when her family lovingly pushed her to audition for MasterChef that she decided she needed to take a risk and possibly create a future in something she was truly passionate about. 

Starting the competition with her ‘PUDDLEcotta’ it was only up from there. Larissa initially focused on the sweet style of creativity, though as the competition progressed everything came together in all styles of dishes. The judges put some of her dishes amongst the best they had ever seen ‘Absolute perfectionists when it comes to combining flavours' said Gary and ‘She is creative and she’s got that with spades, we’ve seen it week in week out’ said George.  "I take a lot of risks, but I do know that most of the time it will work for me. It’s pretty much just backing yourself and trusting that you know this dish works, it’s not too out there." These risks resulted in high praise coming from some of the world’s best chefs 'Amazing, Amazing' Massimo Bottura and 'It brings you in and wraps you up' Heston Blumenthal.

Larissa has found the path that she is truly passionate about and is excited to continue to live her food dream every day.

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Thank you so much for everything Larissa, the staff and I loved the exquisite food and once-in-a-lifetime experience. | We can't wait to have you back when we do another event.
Ahmed - Zookal