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Heath Black

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Retired AFL Player

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About me

  • Fremantle Dockers
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL


Heath understands the parallels between the business world and the world of competitive sports. He was subjected to daily performance critique and had to overcome anxiety associated with fear of failure. He can relate to the importance of planning, training and team work and knows success only comes before work in the dictionary.


His presentation encompasses the following topics:

  • Importance of Teamwork
  • Importance of Leadership
  • Accepting and learning from Criticism
  • Working with diverse personalities
  • Physical and Mental Wellbeing
  • Overcoming life’s obstacles & recovering from rock bottom
  • How to ask for help

More Info:

Heath Black is a retired AFL footballer who struggled with mental illness throughout his 12-year professional career. Originally from Victoria, he started as a 17-year old in 1997 with the Fremantle Dockers, moving to St Kilda for a stint and finishing his career at the Dockers in late 2008.

Heath was well known in football circles and perceived by the public as a bit of a bruiser and larrikin. Towards the end of his football career he had a series of public misdemeanours which marred the solid reputation he had built over his career. Spiralling out of control, Heath realised the full extent of his mental issues in 2009 following the failure of his marriage, lost job opportunities, several arrests and a growing dependence on alcohol. He was finally diagnosed with Bipolar II and ADHD type 6.

Heath has spent the last 18 months getting his life back on track, but rather than sit back he has decided to use his profile and experience to try and help other men who may suffer from Bipolar, ADHD or other related mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, isolation and alcoholism. These conditions are more common than most people would expect and often kept behind closed doors; which is one of the reasons Heath has decided to tell his story.

Spiralling out of control, Heath realised the full extent of his mental issues in 2009 following the failure of his marriage, lost job opportunities, several arrests and a growing dependence on alcohol. He was finally diagnosed with Bipolar II and ADHD type 6.

Heath has spent the last 18 months getting his life back on track, but rather than sit back he has decided to use his profile and experience to try and help other men who may suffer from Bipolar, ADHD or other related mental conditions such as depression, anxiety, isolation and alcoholism. These conditions are more common than most people would expect and often kept behind closed doors; which is one of the reasons Heath has decided to tell his story.

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Victoria, Western Australia

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.

Diversity & Inclusion