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Dane Swan

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Retired AFL Player

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About me

  • Collingwood Magpies
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Recruited by Collingwood as a 17 year old, Dane was the bargain pick of the 2001 Draft at Pick 58. Renowned in his junior days for not taking his footy seriously, Dane was happy playing with his mates and never really thought about the prospects of being recruited by an AFL club.  This resulted in Dane being recruited by Collingwood whilst on ‘Schoolies’ up on the Gold Coast, a first impression which only Dane could make and get away with.

Fast forward a decade and over 200 AFL games later, Dane’s CV reads better than almost all players in the current game. Three club Best & Fairest awards, a Brownlow Medal, five All Australian jumpers, and a Premiership, Dane is destined to be immortalised as a club legend. Although at times he tested the patience of some of the coaches and administrators with his relaxed approach to football, Dane’s loveable and easy going nature was infectious on his teammates which saw him as a fan favourite competition wide.

Unfortunately, Dane’s career was cut short suddenly at the beginning of 2016 when he suffered a serious lower leg injury which was likened to something that would occur in a car crash such was the impact. Whilst he tried to get back to playing and was at times optimistic, the damage forced him into early retirement.

Since finishing his AFL career, Dane has released a book 'My Story' detailing the successes and tough times he experienced throughout his colourful AFL career. In addition he has also taken a keen interest in the business world with a number of investments including a bar/nightclub, tattoo shop, and clothing range.

In 2017 Dane had a shot at reality TV, finishing runner up in Channel 10’s ’I’m a Celebrity, Get Me Outta Here’ providing some very funny entertainment, especially during the various challenges. Dane is also a long-term Ambassador for Sportsbet creating some entertaining content during The Brownlow, along with various other key sporting events. In addition Dane is regularly engaged to provide sponsored social content given his huge engagement, this has included recent campaigns such as the Chapel Street Precinct, encouraging shoppers to purchase from local stores to support small business.In 2021, Dane will be a weekly contributor on Kiss FM’s Breakfast Program Jase & PJ, sharing his perspective on topical issues along with the AFL Season.


•       Brownlow Medallist 2011

•       Anzac Day Medal 2012 & 14

•       Best & Fairest 2008, 09 & 10

•       Runner Up 2011

•       Premiership Player 2010

•       AFLPA MVP 2010

•       AFLCA Player of the Year 2010

•       All Australian 2009, 10, 11, 12 & 13

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