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Jake Lever

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Demons AFL Player

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About me

  • Melbourne Demons
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Despite being one of the top prospects heading into the 2014 AFL Draft , he slipped through to pick fourteen and was recruited by the Adelaide Football Club. He made his debut during the 2015 season and received an AFL Rising Star nomination. Jake spent three seasons playing as a key defender with the Adelaide Crows, where he played in a grand final, was named in the All-Australian squad, named in the 22under22 team three times, and won the emerging talent award at Adelaide Football Club. After playing fifty-six AFL matches with the AFC, he joined the Melbourne Football Club during the 2017 trade period.

Jake enjoys and has experience speaking to groups on a variety of topics including mental resilience, the benefits of meditation and the importance of mindset on the road to recovery from injuries.

Whilst an AFL sports star, Jake also loves watching a variety other sports including NFL, NBA, College football and the UFC. 

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