Our Stars
Kai Sakakibara

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Traumatic Brain Inj Survivor

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About me

  • Extreme Sports
  • Sport
  • BMX

Half Japanese, half British and following a childhood being raised in both Japan and Australia, Kai Sakakibara’s great international success in the world of BMX racing is hardly a surprise. The eldest of the Sakakibara duo, Kai was the first to get into BMX as a sport. Right from the get-go, Kai has prided himself on giving BMX his absolute all, which has resulted in Kai finding himself within the top 10 of World Rankings.

Kai in 2020 had a horrible accident in attempting to qualify for his First Olympic Games. He suffered brain damage, was in a Coma for 8 weeks and had to be told what COVID was when he woke up from it! His story is like something out of a movie, he has rebuilt his life and worked his way back to be a mobile person taking on the world. His story will have you laughing, crying and wanting to fight for the best life possible. 

As far as human beings go, they do not come much more inspirational than Kai. One of the better people on this planet!

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