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Adam Sellars

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About me

  • Extreme Sports
  • Sport
  • Freediving
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional

When you dive to depths of over 240 feet (70 metres) in the open Ocean, you need to have the skill of controlling your mind before and during your descent and to have strategies to overcome any obstacles that may present themselves. Adam Sellars, Director of ‘The Pressure Project’ is an Australian Freediving representative, qualified Freediving Instructor and one of the deepest divers in the world, and can hold his breath for up to 5:30 minutes.

Adam’s ‘Lessons from the Deep’ and the ability to focus your mind on what you need to achieve apply perfectly to business, corporate ventures, personal achievement and sporting teams everywhere.

Adam is a qualified Teacher of Mindfulness Meditation and Advanced Visualisation and teaches these skills in competition and business. In a safe and controlled environment, Adam shares the skills and techniques used by freedivers to control the powerful messages sent from the brain that can often immobilize us.

Also participated in THE BACHELORETTE season 5 just as another test of the ability to ya for Pressure.

Whether you are a small business or a corporate giant, Adam has the skills to get messages across to your audience in a powerful and humorous way. He has consulted and presented to companies corporations and Government and recent clients include Insurance Australia Group, Kawasaki, Pease International, Rare ID, the Australian Olympic Swimming Team and the Men and Women’s Western Australian cricket teams.

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Queensland, Northern Territory, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.

Health & Wellbeing


An amazing story and some great practical tips for a very highly stressed team.
LJ Hooker - Rebecca Halton