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Bronwen Knox

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4xOlympian | Lawyer | Advocate

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About me

  • Olympics
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Aussie Stingers
  • Water Sports
  • Water Polo
  • Coach
  • Professional
  • Lawyer
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Athlete Development

Someone once described high performance athletes who transition from their athletic career in to the next chapter as  - "Driven by Passion. Broken by the pursuit. Determined to Change." - While the sporting industry is not perfect, at times far from it, there is opportunity to embrace change and develop strong and robust processes that will protect athlete rights, while maintaining excellence.

"It's only sport" - three little words that, to some of us, can sound like nails trailing down a chalk board. I have spent the last 20 years chasing my sporting dream, but somewhere along the way it allowed me to discover who I am and what I want to stand for.

Sport has pushed me to my limit and still had the audacity to ask for more. Sport showed be how to be courageous, how to move beyond what I thought I was capable of, and how to adjust and readjust in dynamic and unpredictable landscapes (in and out of the pool). Sport has crushed my dreams, kicked me while I was down and taunted me to just give in.

Sport is more than just a game - it is a family, a career, a lifestyle. It's an education that challenges what you thought you knew and who you thought you were.

I am a quadruple Olympian (the first Australian female water polo athlete to attend 4 Olympic Games) and have been a member of the Australian Women's Water Polo team (the Aussie Stingers) for over 17 years. I am also a Law and Biomedical Science graduate. I am passionate about athletes knowing their rights, being fully informed and understanding their worth.

I have spent over two decades seeing how small incremental change everyday can lead you to achieve more than you ever imagined possible. As I prepare to transition from an athlete to the next phase of my career I know that the lessons I have learned through sport have prepared me to meet what ever challenge is ahead. But, and more importantly, I know that I will thrive working hard for work worth doing.

I hope to use my developing legal skills and combine them with the wealth of experience I have had in sport to help create opportunity for informed future decision making and space for athletes to be heard and seek independent advice.

I am committed to creating space for learning and collaboration for myself, for others and for industry, while holding true to who I am and having the courage to do things differently. I value integrity, authenticity, collaboration, learning and courage.

I am interested in:
o    Speaking opportunities;
o    Consultation projects;
o    Athlete advocacy, education and mentoring; and
o    Integrity, ethics and governance.

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