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Danielle Kettlewell

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Synchronised Swimmer

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About me

  • Olympics
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Water Sports
  • Artistic Swimming

Danielle’s infectious smile plus her incredibly driven and positive attitude is a sure way to grab the attention of a diverse audience. Danielle confidently tells her story and has the ability to talk to a group of students to a group of corporates. “Through sharing my unique Olympic experience, I believe that my story greatly parallels relatable lessons in all aspects of life; that a passion for doing what you love can bring forward unbelievable opportunities and with a dose of courage, sacrifice and an open mind, great things can be achieved”. Danielle understands the raw meaning of teamwork she has dedicated more than 50hrs per week for the last 15 plus years to perfect it. There are very few sports that require the precision, teamwork, accuracy, dedication and pure passion than that of synchronised swimming. Danielle holds an enormous wealth of knowledge when it comes to teamwork and developing a tight, structured group of individuals all aiming for an end result; after all the entire Rio team came from different states within Australia - just simply putting together collaborative training sessions was a mission in itself - let alone the fact they all had to pay their own way to Rio and all competitions and trainings prior. Traveling across the world to follow her dream, knowing no one and having to teach herself the art of networking, to suffering a debilitating concussion and slipping into the deep dark hole of depression; only to hustle, work and motivate herself to the top and into the Olympic team. Danielle has a structured step by step plan on showing individuals from all walks of life how to reach their dreams through goal setting; a perfect discussion for a corporate group. Danielle has a message of resilience, hard work and dreaming big; an inspiring piece for athletes alike or school students. And to top it all off; she genuinely has a zest living life to its full potential, ignoring all forms of glass ceilings and would easily be described as a “life enthusiast”, her motivation is contagious; something required to be heard by all.

Danielle’s Target Audience THE ‘UNDERDOG’ Danielle never thought about being an Olympian, especially after retiring at 18 years of age. However, her passion for the sport and the fighting spirit that she embodies makes her story perfect to inspire the underdog in all of us. She had to make a choice to push through her own mental doubt and the doubt of others to reach her goals. The journey behind her breaking through this barrier to make the Rio Olympic team is a sure way to inspire people to reach for their dreams, no matter how scary they may seem. CORPORATES ‘Synchronised swimming is not possible without the most precise team structure.” Danielle’s mature attitude coupled with her expertise in high level teamwork is perfect for corporate groups of any level. Her story to Rio is one full of highs and lows; it takes immense courage to rise up and challenge a superior for the better of you and your team. One lesson that demonstrates her courage, self worth and putting other first. YOUTH “Dream big - anything is possible” Danielle is a huge believer in - ‘you’re better trying and failing than to never have tried at all and living with that regret.’ Danielle’s young and infectious personality makes her perfect to connect with the youth of today. Her strong understanding of self worth and self esteem has the ability to make anyone believe in themselves and develop a reach for the stars attitude. Young woman would find power in Danielle’s honesty around her struggles with body image in the past and her inability to feel comfortable in her own skin; her journey to developing self confidence and understanding is one all young woman should hear. 

GOAL SETTERS Danielle has an amazing step by step program she has developed which outlines how she made small goals to eventually reach her big goal - the Olympics. Her passion to share this guide is not only educational but also inspirational and a sure way to learn the art of persistence. Any budding athletes would gain enormous benefit in hearing how to set goals effectively.

  • 2016 Rio Olympic Games - 8th place
  • FINA World Championships 2015 - Qualifying for the Rio Olympics
  • Canadian Open Senior Category 2014 - 2nd


“Thank you again for  sharing your story with us.  The staff couldn’t stop talking about your presentation.  Not only were you great for the kids, but staff members were inspired. It really did bring tears of joy to my eyes.”


“Danielle was our guest speaker at Tennis Wests ‘Girls In Tennis Camp’ held at Broome Tennis Club.

She told her inspiring story of the journey she took to achieve her dreams of competing on a global stage at the 2016 Rio Olympics and that the girls should strive to be the best they can be. I found Danielle’s; passion, professionalism, kindness and honesty were infectious.

She went above and beyond her role of guest speaker as she spent the whole day spending quality time with the girls and all staff, participating in the events of that day.

I will certainly be using Danielle’s services and experiences for future events, and I highly recommend her for your events too.”


“Danielle Kettlewell was invited by the City of Cockburn to address its Junior Sports Travel Award recipients on Monday 30th April 2018.

Parents, coaches, staff and elected members from the City, together with the award recipients were treated to an amazing presentation by Danielle of her sports journey from eight years of age to the current day and what drove her to excel in the sport of synchronised swimming. Danielle’s message to award recipients was targeted to all present with a delivery style that covered the passion, discipline, respect, commitment, individual and team values and perseverance required if you were going to excel in your chosen sport.

As I stated on the night; Danielle’s presentation was one of the best, if not the best, devilry I had ever heard from an elite athlete. Her skills as a motivational speaker were simply superb.”


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