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Kiana Elliott

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"Unfathomable Is Conquerable"

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About me

  • Olympics
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Strength Sports
  • Weightlifting

Kiana Elliott OLY is a front runner of Australian Weightlifting. She is a five time National Champion, Oceania and Australian Record Holder and the lightest Australian woman to lift 100kg in the Snatch.

Having trained and competed at an elite level in sport for over 15 years, Kiana has overcome her fair share of adversity. Her story is an outstanding narrative of resilience, perseverance and overcoming challenges to create success. Beginning in the sport of gymnastics she chased an Olympic Dream that seemed ill-fated only to find herself with a second chance in a different sport. Kiana has the ability to inspire, motivate and educate individuals from all walks of life to believe the unfathomable is conquerable, demonstrating that the lessons of sport are applicable to all facets of life. 

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South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Victoria