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Mollie Gray

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About me

  • Sports Media
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Wallaroos
  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • International Union
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional

From Army to Afghanistan. Playing for the Wallaroos to presenting on Fox Sports. University to drop out. Mental health to starting my own business. 

Oh and don't forget MULTIPLE knee injuries, 12 surgeries and forced retirement from rugby and the Army. 

In my 31 years I feel like I have done my fair share already. I have achieved so much and failed just as often but I'm not ready to quit just yet. 

I was a Corporal in the Australian Defence Force for 12 years but I spent the second half of my career pursuing sport. My rugby career began whilst in the Army and I was fortunate enough to represent the Army and the Australian Defence Force from 2009-17. Both teams gave me a clear pathway and opportunity to work my way into the Wallaroos. That discipline that you learn in the Army comes in handy too and I was able to make my debut for the Wallaroos in 2014 :) 

Since 2014, I was fortunate enough to play for the Aussie 7s and make 2 appearances at the Women's Rugby World Cup's in France (2014) and Ireland (2017) scoring myself 14 caps for Australia.

After suffering from 3 horrific knee injuries, I hung up the boots and pursued a media career within sport. I found myself a regular on the Fox Sports show Super Rugby Wrap, I was a commentator for the Super W and Super Rugby, Wheelchair Rugby World Championships, Wheelchair Rugby Nationals and Sydney AFL. 

I would never call anything I did luck - I was an insanely hard worker and a total yes person (and slightly crazy I think)

After retiring from sport and Army, like most people in my position I lost my way for a long time. 4 years of grasping at opportunities and silently suffering. Starting projects, quitting projects, starting uni, dropping out of uni. Finding you new purpose is a challenge but its completely doable!! 

I have managed to turn my world upside down, inside out and back around. I now run a successful photography business with my partner, travel full time around Australia in our troopcarrier taking photos. I also speak often about mental health, PTSD, resilience and the will to win and get shit done! 


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New South Wales

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.