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Keith Schleiger

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The Blockinator

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About me

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Keith Schleiger, better known as 'The Blockinator', is a skilful builder and carpenter, as well as the foreman on Channel 9's hit reality show, 'The Block'. 

Kicking off his long reign as a Block favourite in the 2011 series, Schleiger quickly became a staple in the show due to his vast building knowledge, strong leadership qualities and likeable personality.

Schleiger's extensive knowledge in the trade industry began when he became a fully qualified ‘chippie’ in his younger days. By 21 years of age, he already had many incredible building achievements under his belt, and his passion for trade saw him quickly ascend as a respected builder in the industry. Continuing on in a promising career to this day, Keith has overseen the construction of a vast range of projects, including the Toorak mansions and large scale hotels.

On top of his strong passion for trade, Keith also has a soft spot in his heart for sport, having played both football at cricket at high level in his early days. Some of his sporting escapades include representing Victoria in the Under 16 schoolboys’ AFL team and playing Under 19’s for North Melbourne. Continuing his sporting career with North Melbourne, Keith also played district cricket for their side for close to half a decade.

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Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Western Australia

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