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Deborah Lovely-Acason

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Determined, personable, funny

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About me

  • Olympics
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Strength Sports
  • Weightlifting

5 Commonwealth Games and 2 Olympic Games makes Deborah Esther Ainslie Acason the most experienced Olympic weightlifter in Australia. 

Deb has overcome much adversity including being told she would never make it as a top athlete! 

Initially a discus thrower (she won a bronze medal at the 1999 World Youth Championships in Athletics), she won three (3)  silver medals at the 2002 Commonwealth Games and a GOLD medal at the 2006 Commonwealth Games. She also placed 12th and 6th in the 2004 and 2008 Olympic games. 

Deb also won state championship medals in track cycling, winning the 2005 Queensland open Keirin title, as well as gold medals in the 1 Lap Time Trial and Team Sprint. She competed at the 2018 Commonwealth Games where she placed 4th. This was her 5th Commonwealth Games Appearance.

Deb played one season of women’s rugby and was selected to play for Qld at the national champs. After playing for Qld she was selected in the Wallaroos Aussie Squad in 2007. 

Deb has been married to Joshua Acason since December 2008. 

Acason has a double degree from Griffith University in Laws (Honours) and Criminology and Criminal Justice, which she studied from 2002-2010.

Deb has vast experience as a public speaker to a range of audiences, bringing humour in to her stories of high pressure competition. Deb inspires audiences wherever she goes. 

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