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Matt Formston

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About me

  • Paralympics
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Cycling

Matt Formston is a world champion tandem cyclist, speaker, coach and global adventure seeker. Since being diagnosed with Macular Dystrophy at age 5, Matt’s life has taken countless twists and turns but, always, he remained steadfastly focused on pushing ahead, breaking boundaries and smashing through hurdles every step of the way—often with a cold beer and a big smile!

With each new experience Matt pushes his own limits as well as others perceptions even further. His own techniques and technologies have helped him tackle what others—sighted or otherwise—wouldn’t dare to take on. An avid big wave surfer, rec SCUBA diver and motorcyclist, Matt’s done everything from deep-water solo dives to cross-country rides to record-setting treks across the world’s toughest terrains. His goal is simple: savor every experience.

In 2010 after cycling on a single bike from Sydney to Melbourne Matt caught the eye of the Australian tandem coach Tom Skulander. Within weeks Matt was riding with renowned cyclist Phil Thuaux on a tandem, placing in the top 3 in two Australian Title races within a year also Racing the 2011 Road World Championships in Denmark.

The following year Matt paired with cyclist Mick Curran and, 6 weeks later, the duo won their first two National Titles. That same year Matt was named the 2012 Central Coast Cyclist of the Year. In 2013 Mick and Matt won the World Cup in Canada, then in 2014 the duo won Gold at the Track World Championships in Mexico.

In the years that followed Matt and Mick—OzTandem—would go on to win dozens of national and international events, even smashing the long-held 4 km tandem track world record in March 2014. With that massive achievement under his belt Matt set his next and most exciting goal yet: to represent Australian the 2016 Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro.

All of this with no central vision and just 5% of his peripheral vision. All of this because of his passion to excel and to push himself and those around him even further.

It’s that same passion, commanding perspective and powerful insight that Matt brings to his professional engagements. When in the gym, the boardroom or the track, Matt delivers his unique no holds barred approach to push you, your team and your organization even further, faster. You, like Matt, will be elevated, inspired and enriched and, more importantly, you’ll learn how to harness this incredible power to excel in anything and everything that comes your way.

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