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Courtney Hancock

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NutriGrain Ironwoman

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About me

  • NutriGrain Ironwoman
  • Sport
  • Ironman

Courtney Hancock is a young woman who has a natural ability, charismatic personality and zest for life that makes her very special. She is driven by the very high standards she sets for herself and backs this up through hard work, dedication and a “never give up” attitude that has been a feature of her many successes in the surf.

Born in Perth, but raised alongside her 3 sisters in Sawtell on the North Coast of NSW, Courtney was drawn to the waves right from her early days as a “Nipper”. However, this affinity and love of the water quickly developed into an ambition to one day become an elite Ironwoman, and when she finished High School she moved to the Gold Coast to follow this dream.

Whilst she competed successfully in the junior and cadet ranks, Courtney’s record of achievement in open competition is outstanding.

At the Australian Championships she has won a total of 22 individual and team events, including 2 Ironwoman and 3 Surf Swim titles. Courtney has also won 3 Kelloggs NutriGrain Professional Ironwoman Series titles and the Coolangatta Gold three times. In 2011 she became the first person in the history of Australian Surf Sports to win the triple crown of elite events (Australian and Professional Series titles plus the Coolangatta Gold), within the same calendar year.

Courtney has also been a member of the Australian High Performance team which has seen her compete for Australia with distinction in Germany, Japan, South Africa and New Zealand.

Courtney has what it takes – dedication, enthusiasm and a contagious smile and personality that belies a strength of character and fierce will to win that makes her very special. Regarded as one of the top Ironwoman in the country, Courtney is driven by a desire to be the very best athlete she can be.

Courtney takes great pride in all aspects of the way she approaches her life, and draws great satisfaction from the very positive interaction and feedback she receives. She strives to be a good role model and wants to inspire young athletes to dream and do their very best to achieve their goals, just as she had a dream, worked hard and made a lot of sacrifices to get to where she is today.

Courtney is a true shining light in her sport.

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