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Steve Febey

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Retired AFL

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About me

  • Melbourne Demons
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

The only Melbourne player to appear in both of that club’s most recent Grand Finals (1988 and 2000), Stephen Febey gave excellent service to the Demons in 258 senior games, many alongside his twin brother Matthew. Originally from Devonport, Febey at one stage appeared more likely to succeed at basketball than football but ultimately it was the oval-shaped ball which provided the greater allure.  He gave great value than most because of his courage, determination and immense discipline. After the 2002 season, Febey went to Bali with his teammates and was caught up in the bombings which devastated the island. Standing beside former Demons player Steven Armstrong and David Robbins, Febey was about to enter the Sari Club when the car bomb exploded. He escaped with just minor injuries but suffered mental illness which would change his life dramatically in the years that followed.

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