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Grahak Cunningham

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Ultra-Distance Runner

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About me

  • Extreme Sports
  • Sport
  • Endurance Sports
  • Ultra Running
  • Athletics
  • Track and Field

Grahak Cunningham is a four time competitor and former champion of the 3100-Mile Race. It is the world’s longest and most grueling foot race. To complete the 5000 kilometer distance runners run from 6:00 a.m. to midnight, for 51 days and run a minimum of 60 miles a day (96.6km). To finish competitors must develop and utilise skills of resilience, stress management, team building and 'never giving up'. The four races are undoubtedly the most difficult things he has done yet are they are most rewarding. Grahak believes it is possible to go beyond our perceived limits—if we dare to try. His first race as a rookie took him 50 days. His victory saw him take a week off his initial time finishing in 43 days and averaging 115 kilometres a day. Incorporating 14 years industry experience in sales and marketing in the medical industry, join leading speaker and performance specialist, four time finisher and 3100 mile champion: Grahak Cunningham as he inspires and teaches you ways to achieve your goals in life, business or sport.

Grahak has presented at numerous sporting and corporate locations throughout Australia. Testimonials are provided upon request.

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