Our Stars
Harry & Tash Pavlou

Create an experience with Harry & Tash Pavlou

Father & Daughter - The Block

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  • Reality Star
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Art & Design
  • Influencer

HARRY & TASH – A Father and Daughter Combo

What do you get when you mix the complex skills of communications engineering, the creative artistry of design and production and a lifetime’s experience of DIY handy-man know-hows? That’s easy…it’s The Block 2020’s most prominent property up-and-comers Harry and Tash! As the only father/daughter combo to feature in the smash hit renovation show’s 16 years, this in-demand duo may have been last season’s underdogs, but thanks to their highly relatable family dynamics and incredibly lovable personas, Harry and Tash struck an instant chord with hundreds of thousands of Block fans across Australia to become the show’s most popular contestants.

With a special mix of real estate savvy, design and production experience, renovation expertise and a dash of intuition, Harry and Tash work to create homes that are both functional and feel-good for everyone. And while they may have placed third on The Block 2020, Harry and Tash are three times the winner nonetheless…for they’ll try anything once. Twice if they like it. And three times to make sure it’s a perfect fit for them! It’s that agile mindset (not to mention catchy credo) that ranks them amongst Australia’s top social marketing influencers, brand ambassadors, content producers and of course, property styling and renovation pair. But not all good things need to come as two, with Harry and Tash both available for individual engagement too. After all, they’re always up for a little father vs daughter competition…even when it comes to working with clients.

Update 2022: Tash has just announced her pregnancy and is due mid-year so is open to brand collaborations with relevant brands in the baby, nursery and pregnancy categories.

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Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania