Our Stars
Zak Stolz

Create an experience with Zak Stolz

Australian Ninja Warrior

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About me

  • Sport
  • Media
  • Entertainment
  • Australian Ninja Warrior
  • Reality Star

Zak Stolz has left his mark through Australian households as the winner of Australian Ninja Warrior's 5th season.

Just 22 years of age, Zak walked away with $100,000 after being the "furthest fastest" competitor in the Australian Ninja Warrior Season 5 Grand Final. A monumental achievement, Zak edged out competitors Mike Snow and Charlie Robbins in a triumphant victory, which he paid tribute to his late father, saying: “It is such a surreal moment and I know my father would be so proud of me. Not to mention putting a smile on my mum and other supporters’ faces. That is honestly more valuable than anything to me.”

Also a talented science student, when Zak isn't on the Ninja Warrior course, you can find him working to keep his brain working, as well as his body. 

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