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Aimee Fuller

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Olympic Snow Boarder

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About me

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Aimee is now a well-established member of the snowboarding community. Focusing primarily on Slopestyle events, she has already racked up a series of impressive results in her career. Highlights include winning the Dachstein Pleasure Jam two years running, coming second at the Nescafe Leysin Championships in 2012 and placing third in the Roxy Snow Pro that same year.  A 3rd Place at the WST Spring battle, and the first women to land a double in competition at the X Games.

In 2014, Aimee fulfilled one of her lifelong dreams: competing at the Winter Olympics. Flying the Team GB flag high, Aimee rocked the Sochi slopestyle course. Despite not making it into the final, she still came away with a big smile on her face. In her own words: "Being in Sochi, representing Team GB in a team with Jamie Nicholls, Billy Morgan and Jenny Jones was an honour".

Despite her rise to fame and her array of phenomenal results, Aimee is adamant not to lose sight of the one golden rule of snowboarding: have fun!

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South West, South East, London, East Midlands, Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands, East of England, North East, North West, Scotland, Wales

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