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Margo Wiltens

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National Coach Volleyball AUS

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About me

  • Beach Volleyroos
  • Sport
  • Volleyball
  • Beach Volleyball
  • Coach
  • Professional

Margo Wiltens is a former international professional Beach Volleyballer from The Netherlands who represented her country from 2004 to 2012 on the FIVB World Tour and Euro Tour. 

Since retiring, Margo graduated a Master in Law, and dedicated her career to high performance coaching. With a 'get the job done' -mentality, Margo coached multiple generations to individual success and podium results. Within the beach volleyball world Margo got known for delivering sustainable talent development, graduating multiple (current) World Tour medalists.

Margo strives to empower others to operate in their best version, exploiting their full potential with winning mindsets. 

Margo specialises in talent development, creating winning mindsets, individual empowerment and creating successful teams.

Margo is leading the next generation Beach Volleyroos towards the Brisbane Olympics.

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Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia

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