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Cam Greenwood

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Entrepreneur and speaker

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional
  • Business
  • Lifestyle
  • Celebrity
  • Entertainment

Young, spirited and adventurous, Cam Greenwood is one of Australia’s most creative entrepreneurs under the age of 30. He is the Co-Founder (alongside his wife, Elise) and Chief Pioneer of Zorali - a business born from the spirit of adventure, a love for nature and a vision to see generations of people find harmony with nature, themselves and each other.

Prior to launching Zorali, Cam was the Founder behind Monsta Surf, the wildly popular brand with customers from over 40 countries. But after a legal opposition from a multinational corporation, Cam and his wife Elise were inspired to lead their Monsta Surf community on a journey towards something new in 2018. Together, Cam and Elise dreamed up Zorali, rallying their community to become part of the change through an equity crowdfund raise. This disruptive campaign received widespread coverage as Zorali become the fastest company in Australia to reach their minimum target in an ECF campaign and just the 5th company to reach their maximum target, raising $300,000 to 550 investors.

Cam’s pioneering spirit has attracted an abundance of attention with the young entrepreneur being featured on various platforms and media outlets such as Channel 9 News, Channel 7’s Destination Happiness, The Collective Hub, the cover of Business State Magazine as well as being featured in SmartCompany's 2018 ‘Smart30 Under 30’.

Cam’s ability to challenge his audience to expand their thinking has led him to become one of Australia’s most in demand speakers under the age of 30, speaking across country in many different forums.

Ultimately, Cam’s goal is to inspire people to believe that all things are possible when you actively engage in a life driven more strongly by curiosity than by fear, as he provides key insights into the path of possibility and success.

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania, Victoria, Western Australia

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.


Health & Wellbeing