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Danielle Spencer

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Musician, Actor & Mother

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About me

  • Musician
  • Entertainment
  • Actor

Although there have been a number of facets to her profile, Danielle Spencer’s musical career was undeniably destined from an early age. The daughter of Don Spencer – a respected musician and renowned TV presenter in Britain and Australia – Danielle first started to sing and learn the piano from her father at the age of four. This natural talent was parlayed into other creative endeavours. After finishing school Danielle pursued acting where she worked extensively in film, television and theatre.

“The turning point for me was when after a few years of acting in TV and film, I really began to miss singing. I started writing my own material and finding my own voice, which lead to a recording and publishing deal and the release of my debut album.”

“White Monkey” was released in Australia in 2001 to critical acclaim from the media with Danielle performing a number of live shows before taking a break from her burgeoning and creative musical endeavours to undertake the challenging dynamics of her new role as a wife and a mother.

After the birth of her second son, Danielle began writing songs on her piano at home in her bedroom; she wrote the songs that would ultimately feature on her second album “Calling All Magicians”. “It came in stages, in the sense that I was carving out little bits of time to write and record, and I then sort of felt like I’d got my musical-flow back. By the time I finished the music and the lyrics for all the songs, I realised that I’d got a bunch of songs together that I finally felt sounded like an album.”

Danielle’s second album “Calling All Magicians” was released in the UK and Australia in 2010. Produced by New Yorker, Tony Visconti (best known for his groundbreaking work with David Bowie in the 70’s) who heard of Danielle through a mutual friend and upon hearing her demos instantly agreed to work with her. Danielle spent much of 2010 in the UK performing live and promoting the release of ‘Calling All Magicians’. She performed on high rating TV shows (This Morning, BBC Breakfast, Live at Studio 5) and also picked up radio airplay on BBC Radio 2 & Radio 4, as well as receiving glowing press reviews.

Danielle then put music on hold for a time, and opted for a starring ‘spin’ on the Channel Seven juggernaut series Dancing With The Stars, where she finished in second place. In 2016, Danielle teamed up once again with longtime collaborator Vince Pizzinga to record a cover of Be My Baby, which was a surprise hit on iTunes, reaching the top twenty soon after release.

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