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Rodney Hogg

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Retired Cricket

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About me

  • Cricket
  • Sport
  • Australian Cricket Team
  • International Cricket

Blond, blue-eyed, aggressive and menacingly fast, Rodney Hogg announced himself with 41 wickets for World Series-depleted Australia against England in 1978-79. The way he regularly beat Geoff Boycott for pace thrilled Australia at a lean time.

Injury and a rebel tour to South Africa interrupted, cricket life was never quite so bounteous again. Nevertheless, Hogg was generally in Australia’s first rank. A quirky character, he once had his wife erase the videotape of a soft dismissal while batting in a Test, saying he did not want his son to see him as a coward!

Rodney Hogg has become established as one of Australia’s foremost public and guest speakers. He also performs exceptionally well as a corporate and motivational speaker. His experiences on and off the pitch are the highlight of many business and sporting functions.

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New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, Western Australia, Tasmania


Rodney was fantastic on the night and loved by everyone. I could not fault him, he’s a top guy - he was perfect for us! Many thanks again.
Josh - Australian Timber Flooring Association
Pickstar was great and accommodating to our needs, our guest speaker was Rodney who spoke extremely well and was very flexible on the day.
Chris - Middendorp Electric Company
Our choice of guest presenter was certainly the best choice. Rodney Hogg, was very, very good with many interesting stories to share. Would definitely give Rodney 10/10!
Augusta Golf Club