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Linda Marigliano

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Radio Host/TV Presenter & DJ

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About me

  • Radio Host
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • TV Host
  • DJ
  • Musician

Linda Marigliano has been a constant fixture in the Australian music scene for over 15 years. Linda spent 10 years at Triple J most recently as host of the Morning slot after landing a seat straight out of university. 

In 2008 her band Teenagersintokyo headed to London where they signed with a record label and recorded an album. Linda spent the next four years touring with her band before returning to Australia in 2012 and picking up where she left off with Triple J. 

In 2018, the talented presenter was also announced as co-host of ABCs ‘The Set’ alongside Dylan Alcott, which signified the return of LIVE music to Australian television. 

Marigliano’s life love’s include food and music. Her Italian and Chinese-Malaysian lineage ensured ‘...a beautiful melody of cultures’ throughout her youth, spending most afternoons with her Nonna and namesake Carmelinda, and the Christmas-period in Malaysia with her mothers’ family. 

Marigliano is admired in the industry as a respected authority on new music and emerging artists, and for her love of Australian music. She recently collaborated with OPPO for their ‘Under the Cover’ webstream series.

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New South Wales

My Specialist Topics

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My Interests

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Diversity & Inclusion