Our Stars
Len Findlay

Create an experience with Len Findlay


How it Works

Shortlist favourites

Use the ' + ' symbol on any profile photo add one or more favourite stars into a shortlist then create your free request to send it to them.

Surprise yourself

Stars apply to your request and you only pay if you choose to book them. Tap 'create request' or 'request me' to start a free request. Enter your brief, budget & location.

Instant Purchase

Select a fixed price virtual meeting or personalised video shout-out from a star and purchase instantly!

About me

  • Entrepreneur
  • Business

Over 25 years experience founding, building, operating, investing in and mentoring technology companies in the UK, Middle East and Australia.

Having founded, built and led startups his whole working life, Len has been hands-on finding, landing and optimising all of the Ventures that are part of the Saltwater portfolio. His experience is broad and deep having held strategic and delivery roles across multiple business verticals from Fortune 500 tech companies to larger supermarket chains. Len’s unique perspective comes from his strategic and operational experience which makes him popular with investors and boards alike.

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