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Maddison Allen

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Perth Lynx WNBL player

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About me

  • Perth Lynx
  • Sport
  • Basketball
  • WNBL

'I've been through a lot, and if I can help just one young girl going through the same thing - to me, that makes it all worth it'. 

WNBL player Maddie Allen might play a lot of basketball, but it is her passion for mental health and women and non-binary people in sport that set her apart. Her blue-collar playing style is echoed in her inspiring speeches about mental health, and her desire to advocate for Indigenous Australians allows her to shake off her introverted demeanour and speak from the heart.

The 2020 Lynx' Best Defensive Player struggled with her mental health through high school and into college, where she hit rock bottom. Over the past six years, Maddie has rebuilt herself both on and off the court. Dedicated to her studies, she recently completed her Masters' degree and wants to instil the importance of education in young female athletes. 

Maddie also represented Australia as the IBF Youth Leader in Bali and Singapore in 2019. 

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My Specialist Topics

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My Interests

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Diversity & Inclusion