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Grace Kemp

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Brumbies Player

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About me

  • ACT Brumbies
  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • Super Rugby

Grace Kemp is the Brumbies second youngest player in the Super W side only turning 18 in June 2019. She comes from a background in basketball and rowing. A Canberra Royals junior has graduated from the U18’s team and will be playing seniors in 2019. Kemp is a boarder at Canberra Girls Grammar school and is from Harden-Murrumburrah and plays in the second row or back row and is the tallest player in the team standing at 185cm. A huge talent who will thrive in her first year on the Brumbies Super W roster and is one to watch in the future. In the Brumbies women’s trial against the Rebels, Kemp crossed for two tries.

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Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales