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Elliot Compton

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Hard working. Positive. Driven

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About me

  • Sport
  • Mixed Martial Arts
  • Martial Arts
  • Combat Sports
  • Kickboxing

I am a world class athlete with tenacious resolve. I have faced many trials and tribulations throughout my career and have overcome many adversities. I started my business here in Brisbane, Team Compton Training Centre to help inspire, motivate and educate people from all walks of life. Ultimately, we are all “fighting” for something, despite having different journeys. Life is about staying positive and staying motivated - hence the ethos of my brand #StayPositiveStayMotivated. 


Four-time Caged Muay Thai Champion - Elliot "The Dragon" Compton grew up in a rough neighbourhood. Rather than let his circumstances dictate his destiny, he learned to stand up for himself at an early age, and used Martial Arts to transform his life for the better.

Early Years

Elliot was originally born in Swindon, England in 1989, but his family moved to Adelaide, South Australia, in the early 1990s, with his parents keen to provide a better lifestyle and more positivity for their children. After five years, they moved from South Australia to Queensland, ultimately settling in Cairns, where “The Dragon” and his sister would spend most of their youth. Despite their love for tropical weather and the beach lifestyle, it was not all plain sailing for young Elliot, who found himself uninspired by academia, in trouble at school, and in constant scuffles on the streets.

Wanting a clean slate and new direction, his parents moved a little further south.

“My parents decided that it would be better if we all moved to Brisbane to give my sister and I the opportunities that we needed to succeed in life,” he says. “Now, it is where I call home.” Compton’s father, Steve, was a lifelong devotee to many styles of combat. He was coaching martial arts alongside his day job in construction, and had a passion for Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, the Filipino arts, and almost any other style he could get access to.

This passion influenced his son, who stepped into the gym at the age of five. He has practiced martial arts ever since.

Compton studied several disciplines growing up, including Jeet Kune Do, Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do, Grappling and Filipino Martial Arts concepts. His love of Martial Arts and competitive nature made his transition to a professional career all but inevitable.

The Dragon’s reputation has been built from his repertoire of techniques that draws from many different styles, his sometimes unorthodox but always exciting, performances. 

Compton progressed quickly up the ranks in his striking career winning the following list of titles and accomplishments:

  • WKBF Queensland Champion
  • ISKA Queensland Champion
  • WMC Queensland Champion
  • WKBF Australian Champion
  • 2 x WKBF South-Pacific Champion
  • 4 x Caged Muay Thai Champion
  • Siam Pro International Champion
  • Lumpinee Stadium KO of the night
  • Theprassit Stadium KO of the night
  • Australian Muay Thai Awards KO of the year 


He has competed in some of the worlds most infamous, prestigious and biggest arena's & promotions - including Lumpinee Stadium, Theprassit Stadium, Evolution, Kunlun Fight and many others.

Elliot prides himself on the storied career he has had. He has never shied away from a challenge having faced some of the best fighters on the planet including (but not limited to) the likes of Frank Giorgi, Tobias Alexandersson, Cosmo Alexandre, Tum Mardsua, Kampan Santaweesook, Harlee Avison, Victor Nagbe and Mark Staiti.

Elliot is signed with ONE Championship and the ONE Championship super series. He is the first Australian Athlete to compete and also the win in the ONE Super series. He is also the first athlete to have competed twice in the league.

After dropping out of high school in grade 10, The Dragon also translated his success and work ethic to the business world, as he now owns, operates and trains out of the famed Team Compton Training Centre in Brisbane. 

Outside of Sport

The power of positive thinking and uplifting energy has been a focal point of not only his career in competitive Martial Arts but also in all aspects of his and can easily be seen through his social media, personal training and public speaking. Elliot started the "Stay Positive, Stay Motivated.." movement to help inspire people to achieve their dreams and not let the woes of Mental & Physical health hold them back.

Compton is a big advocate for promoting mental health and breaking down the barriers surrounding men's mental health. Being a professional fighter with decades of experience competing all over the world he has first hand experience about how important it is to maintain mental wellbeing. He believes it is important to speak about this as he is a "fighter" with a tough exterior and often, it can be seen as weak to speak out.

Compton has extensive interview experience including, but not limited to, podcasts.

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