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Anthony Morabito

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Retired AFL

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About me

  • Fremantle Dockers
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Morabito was drafted by the Fremantle Dockers with pick No.4 in the 2009 AFL draft. He was likened to AFL great, Adam Goodes with his power and versatility. Morabito endured an anterior cruciate ligament injury in his left knee during the 2010 preseason after starring the year before. He overcame that injury to only require another two ACL reconstructions in the upcoming years in separate incidences. Morabito’s resilience shined through as he battle to return to Fremantle’s senior side. After 1369 days, Morabito made his return into Fremantle’s senior side to play against Melbourne in their 2014 round 16 clash. He was latter delisted by the Dockers at the end of 2016. With a lot of time away from the footy field with injury during his career and knowing his career could come to end shortly, Morabito put his focus into studies. He was able to finish his Bachelor of Commerce the following year after being delisted.


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