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Trevor Hendy

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Iron Man

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About me

  • Ironman
  • Sport
  • Media
  • Entertainment
  • Professional

Trevor Hendy is a former professional lifeguard who, throughout the 80s and 90s, competed in Ironman races across Australia and was crowned Australian Champion six times whilst also coming second on three occasions.

During this time, Hendy also won the Uncle Toby’s Super Series, a competition considered to be the pinnacle of surf lifesaving, four times. His success in the sport and long-standing services to surf lifesaving saw him become a Member of the Order of Australia as well as being named in the Queensland, Gold Coast and Australian Surf Lifesaving Halls of Fame.

His sporting ability didn’t stop at surf lifesaving, taking up kayak paddling and soon after, became part of the Australian Kayaking team in 1998. Following the kayak World Championships and World Cup, Hendy retired professionally and no longer trained, yet continued on to win Australian Championships into the 2000s.

Hendy is now a successful guest speaker and life coach, often to those in the corporate world, and has a passion for helping people create change in their life.

Find out more about Trevor's inspiring story by listening to his episode on The Howie Games podcast: 

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Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests