Our Stars
Mark Nicholls

Create an experience with Mark Nicholls

NRL Player

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional

Mark Nicholls is a professional rugby league player for the Dolphins. 

Mark played just 28 games in first 7 seasons of NRL. Mark has now captained South Sydney, played in a Grand Final and established himself as a regular NRL footballer.

An inspiring talk, Mark has spoke about his journey multiple times with rave reviews.

Mark has a Bachelor in Sports Science and Sports Management, and a Graduate Certificate in Project Management. He is a proud volunteer for the Salvation Army and big believer in Mental Health, growing a moustache every November for Movember.

He is a proud dad and family man, loves getting outdoors, staying active and cooking. Mark is ideal for any brand looking to grow their image and promote their products.

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I used Pickstar to increase student engagement and motivation during online learning. Mark Nicholls was engaging, inspirational and informative about what it takes to be an NRL player. The students and teaching staff really valued his time and the insights he had to share.
Prithvi - Victoria University Secondary College