Our Stars
Robert DiPierdomenico

Create an experience with Robert DiPierdomenico

Ex-AFL Player & I’m a Celeb

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About me

  • Sport

Robert "Dipper" DiPierdomenico is a retired AFL player, who's career at Hawthorn spanned over 17 years, and is one of the countries most notable AFL personalities. Dipper is a 5 X premiership player, 3 X member of team of the year, Brownlow medalist and Australian Football Hall of Fame inductee.

Dipper has appeared on many sports shows as a panelist, official commentator and special comments, as well as most recently “I’m a Celebrity, get me the hell out of here!” TV Series. 

Robert is a great MC, Host, Guest Speaker and champion of the game of AFL.

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania

My Specialist Topics

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.


Dipper was very professional, humble and kept us very entertained during the day at golf and dinner.
Joe Lombardo
We booked Dipper for our event, he was excellent!
Peter Ali - CEO of Municipal Works Australia