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Jonathon Webb

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TEKNO Group owner, V8 Driver

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About me

  • Sports Business
  • Business
  • Motorsports
  • Sport
  • Extreme Sports
  • V8 Supercars

Jonathon Webb is a professional race car driver, car performance enhancement specialist, and the managing director of the independent, family owned company TEKNO Group. 

Webb's racing career highlights includes: 

- 2016: Victory in the Bathurst 1000 and Bathurst 12 Hour
(the only driver to have done so in a single calendar year)
- Four Supercar race wins
- Supercars Development Series Championship
- Two International Endurance race wins

... all achieved under the TEKNO flag.

From the race car to the office:

Jonathon owns TEKNO Group, which has two facets – TEKNO Autosports, which races in the Virgin Australia V8 Supercars Championship, and TEKNO Performance, a dedicated road car performance engineering division specialising in the enhancement of premium late-model vehicles.

In 2020, a Team Sydney - Tekno partnership was announced, with Webb moving his team from Queensland to the western suburbs of Sydney, becoming the first NSW based Supercars team in 15 years. 

Outside of his race car office, Jonathon drives TEKNO’s strategy and brand development and is instrumental in the growth of TEKNO.

TEKNO's story is a great example of how 'the little guy' can take on, and beat, the giants of motorsport.

Jonathon is sought after to speak about a range of motorsport and sports business topics, including what he has learned in the transition from professional racing to owning a motorsport team and running a company. 

Jonathon and his TEKNO brand are also available for other commercial, brand and sponsorship opportunities.

Listen to Jono's interview on the Off-Field podcast:

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