Our Stars
Tom McDonald

Create an experience with Tom McDonald

AFL player at Melbourne Demons

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About me

  • Melbourne Demons
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

AFL footballer for the Melbourne Demons for 12 years. I have worked with a number of different coaches in almost every position on the ground and believe I have learnt a lot through this process. I enjoy working with others in a range of different activities. I have completed a bachelor of commerce at the University of Melbourne. 

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My Specialist Topics

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Thank you for your help in facilitating last nights appearance of Tom McDonald form the Melbourne Football Club. Tom arrived on time at the venue where we greeted him and introduced him to the gentleman celebrating his 60th. May I take this opportunity to congratulate both your organisation and Tom for the excellence you provided for us. Tom is a fine young man and an absolute pleasure to have with us. We all enjoyed his company very much and would have him back in a heartbeat ( pardon the pun).
Dr Leon - Cardio Lab.