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Alisa Camplin

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Olympic Gold Medalist

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About me

  • Extreme Sports
  • Sport
  • Freestyle Skiing
  • Olympics
  • Sporting Events
  • Winter Sports
  • Skiing

Alisa Camplin is a gold medal-winning Aerial Skier who enjoyed a distinguished sporting career at the highest level before retiring in 2006.

Camplin was always determined to win gold at the Olympics however never imagined it would be in the Winter Games. As a young athlete, Camplin always envisioned winning gold in the Summer Games in field or gymnastics. Surprisingly, she only came to meet the sport of skiing at age 22. Five years later, age 27, Camplin won gold in the aerial freestyle skiing in the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games.

Camplin was soon struck with a seriousand extensive injury that included a snapped anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) after her gold medal victory, sidelining her for 10 months. A further 2 years later, Camplin re-tore the same ligament only months out from her title defenceat the 2006 Winter Games in Torino. Despite her colossal setback, Alisa defied all expectations and received a bronze medal in Torino, becoming the first Australian ever to win successive medals over two games.

Alisa was awarded an Order of Australia Medal in 2003 for her Olympic success in 2002 and was inducted into the SportsAustralia Hall of Fame in 2008.

Since retiring from the professionalsport, Alisa has pursued a career in several industries. Camplin has worked as a senior executive for IBM for 16 years, most recently holding the position of Strategy and Transformation Executive for Global Technology Services.  She is currently in several business positions, including Chair of the Australian Sports Foundation for the past 7 years, director for Collingwood FC for the past 8 years, director of the Australian Sports Commission for the past 10 years as well as a member of The Global Foundation for the past 11 years. As well as having an established sporting and corporate resume, Camplin is also a co-founder of Finnan’s Gift, a charity that supports The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.

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