Our Stars
Jack Hombsch

Create an experience with Jack Hombsch

Retired AFL Player

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About me

  • Port Adelaide Power
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL
  • Gold Coast Suns

11+ years in the AFL system has taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership and how best to navigate adversity. Through this journey, I have developed a fantastic network of mentors, friends and peers who've allowed me to be the best player and indeed person I can be.

More specifically, the guidance and help I have received from Player Development Manager’s throughout my career is something I’ve always valued. In turn, athlete wellbeing is now a field I’m looking to develop my own skills in, in order to give back too and support the next generation of athletes and players.

A country lad, who played across 3 states, my career also taught me the importance of having a few options in play prior to narrowing your focus, and thus I am concurrently developing my building and construction industry skills, having recently completed studies in this space.

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