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Sarah Jones

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Sports Commentator

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About me

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Sarah grew up in big yet tight-knit family in Echuca on the Victorian-NSW border. Like so many Aussie kids, she was sports mad. But unlike most, her determination to forge a career in the industry she loved never waned and she dedicated herself to chasing that dream from an early age.

Her professional career began while she was still at high school, landing a project job on the Sydney Olympics with the Seven Network, which developed into a part-time job with magazine program Sportsworld while she studied at RMIT.

The creation of FOX Footy in 2002 provided a full-time opportunity for Jones, which she grabbed with both hands, establishing herself an up-and-coming young reporter and presenter.

She has remained with FOX ever since, working in a variety of on-air and behind-the-scenes roles across FOX Footy, FOX Sports and more recently FOX Cricket.

Always well prepared and polished in her delivery, Jones has become a central part of the FOX Sports family and a popular figure with its viewing public.

Beyond the traditional Australian sports, she has also been a part of Foxtel’s coverage of major global events, including the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics, Delhi Commonwealth Games and 2012 London Olympics.

Jones is also an accomplished host of big functions and events, such as the AFLPA MVP & All-Australian Awards and FOX Footy’s AFL National Draft coverage.

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