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Brandon "Juves" Defina

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Esports GM & Ex Pro Player

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About me

  • Gaming
  • Sport
  • Esports
  • Gravitas
  • League of Legends
  • Gravitas
  • Oceanic Pro League

Brandon "Juves" Defina is General Manager of the newest OPL team Gravitas and ex professional player in the OPL.

Brandon's focus is on growing the esports ecosystem in Australia. As a former professional League of Legends player, come team General Manager, Brandon provides expertise in content and player development to professional players and business owners. He's also had numerous opportunities to work as a freelance commentator both domestically and abroad. 

Prior to esports, Brandon spent 15 years in soccer where he represented Victoria at the national championships and competed semi professionally. Injuries shifted him towards esports where he founded his own esports organisation called SIN Gaming, which qualified for the OPL. Sometime later ROAM acquired SIN Gaming and re-branded to Mammoth Esports.

Becoming so close to the community, teams and players in his 4 years in esports, Brandon developed a passion for understanding and creating an environment where mental health was front and centre. He took part in the Headspace head coach campaign where he was one of seven athletes to speak about mental health, providing tools and tips on how to look after ones self.

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Victoria, New South Wales