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Trevor Gleeson

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About me

  • Perth Wildcats
  • Sport
  • Basketball
  • NBL
  • Coach
  • Professional
  • NBA

Leadership, Self-Belief, and Overcoming Adversity

Before being recruited to the NBA team the Toronto Raptors, Trevor was one of the winningest coaches in the history of basketball in Australia.

In a very long and incredibly successful career, Trevor has coached over 800 professional games, while also representing the Australian National Team around the world including the Olympic Games and the FIBA World Championships.

As Head Coach for the Perth Wildcats, Trevor built one of sport’s modern-day dynasties with the Wildcats organisation – In an 8-year period he led the team to 6 NBL Grand Finals, while winning 5 NBL Championships, 2 NBL Cups, 2 Minor Premierships and the NBL Coach of the Year for a second time in 2021. He achieved this while recording an impressive 63.6% winning percentage.

This continual success has been built on ‘Wildcat Way’. A unique and powerful TEAM FIRST CULTURE created by Trevor, where the players not only buy into his high-performance environment, but more importantly, they OWN the STANDARDS and hold each other ACCOUNTABLE.

Trevor, described as a ‘passionate’ basketball coach, has risen to the top of his profession despite suffering numerous setbacks both professionally and physically.  

He shares his stories about an untimely tragedy as an 18-yr old which cut his own promising sporting career short; the perseverance needed to rise to the pinnacle of coaching and how he has sustained success at the elite level under the pressure of professional sport.

When it comes to the fundamentals of effective leadership, managing and inspiring his players, there are great parallels of what Trevor does in professional sport to the world of business. This is attested to by the fact that many CEO’s seek Trevor’s counsel to speak to their executive teams. 

‘Your presentation on the five core aspects of leadership and the stories you shared certainly resonated with our group and we've had fantastic feedback not only on the content but how authentic and inspiring you were’.   Andrew Hadley, CEO P&N Bank

Trevor’s inspirational story is one of leadership, self-belief and overcoming adversity. He is a modern coach who is innovative, creative, and accomplished at re-inventing himself to be amongst the best in the business.


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Western Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, United States

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.