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Mitchell Aubusson

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Retired NRL Player

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About me

  • Sydney Roosters
  • Sport
  • Rugby League
  • NRL

Mitchell is a one-club player with for the Sydney Roosters having played 13 seasons in the NRL and is closing in on becoming the most-capped player for the club. In his time with the Roosters, Mitch has become a dual premiership player

He is described by his coach, Trent Robinson, as someone who leads by example both on and off the field, being a mentor for current players in the squad and for those coming through the grades. Robinsons says that Mitch embodies what it means to be a Rooster and has subsequently been awarded the Roosters’ James Mathews Award for Clubman of the Year three times.

In 2020, Aubusson played his 303rd first grade game becoming the most capped Sydney Roosters player, on 9 October 2020, Aubusson played his 306th and final game.

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