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Kerrin McEvoy

Create an experience with Kerrin McEvoy

3 x Melbourne Cup Winner

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About me

  • Sport
  • Horse Racing/Equestrian

Kerrin McEvoy is regarded as Australia's best jockey - a big race specialist who has won a remarkable three Melbourne Cups - in 2000, 2016 and 2018 - along numerous other major races in Australia and overseas.

Despite the success he’s maintained the humble, hard working attitude that was instilled in him growing up in Streaky Bay in regional South Australia.

Brought up in a horse racing family, Kerrin only ever wanted to be a jockey. But it didn’t come easy. He moved to Melbourne as an apprentice, and was almost sent home because he wasn’t up to the challenge.

But driven by that innate passion for the sport, Kerrin found a way to not just survive but thrive at the highest level. At just 20 years of age, he won his first Melbourne Cup and the rest really is history.

Kerrin brings great insights on what is takes to maintain success at the highest level over a long period, managing and learning to love the pressure of performing in front of just about every Australian at the Melbourne Cup, the importance of maintaining his core values of humility and hard work, balancing his career with his role as a father of four and much more.

Listen to Kerrin McEvoy share his story and insights on PickStar's Off-Field podcast:

Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
New South Wales, Western Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia, Queensland, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.