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Andrew Delmont

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About me

  • Cricket
  • Sport
  • South Australian Redbacks
  • Sheffield Shield
  • Australian Cricket Team
  • International Cricket

Played 6 Sheffield Shield games and 3 One day games for the Redbacks.
Winning a premiership at the Richmond cricket club
Playing 5 seasons in the United Kingdom.
Ex Redback Cricketer who is currently doing some commentary and radio work. Would happily do a talk about high level sport, the highs and lows and also how compeitive it became. Have done many interviews at junior presentation nights, large corporate events and cricket clinics in the past. Can provide some lighthearted stories about my career and how facing Mitchell Johnson and Shaun Tait ended my career through being exposed by fast bowling. The confidence and self belief never came back after getting found out at the top level. Still heavily involved in the game through recruitment abroad and I am still playing and coaching and would love to do some master class sessions at a clinic. Have travelled the world playing and coaching cricket so can share some experiences about my time in Scotland and in England which continues to this day. Consider myself very lucky to have had these experiences abroad.

Played 2 seasons with the Redbacks. Played 4 seasons in Victoria. Embarking on my 11th season of Premier cricket.

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Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
South Australia