Our Stars
Youssef Esawy

Create an experience with Youssef Esawy

Influencer + Creator

How it Works

Shortlist favourites

Use the ' + ' symbol on any profile photo add one or more favourite stars into a shortlist then create your free request to send it to them.

Surprise yourself

Stars apply to your request and you only pay if you choose to book them. Tap 'create request' or 'request me' to start a free request. Enter your brief, budget & location.

Instant Purchase

Select a fixed price virtual meeting or personalised video shout-out from a star and purchase instantly!

About me

  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Instagram Influencer
  • Influencer
  • TikTok Influencer
  • Fashion

Youssef Essawy is a model and Instagram influencer. He started his path two years ago when he first purchased a DSLR camera to do photoshoots in different parts of his hometown Alexandria, Egypt.

In 2020, he moved to the UK and since has upgraded his photography gear and taken his career to the next level; building a loyal community of followers and becoming one of the fastest growing UK fitness, fashion and lifestyle influencers. This has created many opportunities to collaborate with huge brands to advertise products and services via his social channels. 

Youssef will continue to create daily content to inspire his audience and elevate their fashion confidence. 

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
South West, South East