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Alistair Donohoe

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Para-cycling Champion

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About me

  • Cycling
  • Sport
  • Endurance Sports

Alistair Donohoe is a Para-cyclist who made his World Championships debut at the 2013 Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Para-cycling Road World Championships in Baie-Comeau, Canada.

After winning a gold medal in the event, Donohoe continued his success, winning another 19 world medals to date, and made his Paralympic debut in 2016, where he won silver in both the men’s 4000m individual pursuit C5 and men’s time trial C5.

Alistair injured his right arm at the young age of 14, when he jumped from a tree into a creek, and a rope swing wrapped around his arm, severing his bicep and tricep. Although a life changing accident, his passion for sport saw him relocate to Melbourne to train for the Victorian cycling team, where he was introduced to Para-cycling.

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