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Evander Holyfield

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American former boxer

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About me

  • Boxing
  • Sport
  • Martial Arts
  • Combat Sports

Evander Holyfield, by name the Real Deal, born October 19, 1962, Atmore, Alabama, U.S.), American boxer, the only professional fighter to win the heavyweight championship four separate times and thereby surpass the record of Muhammad Ali, who won it three times. 

Olympic Medalist, Entrepreneur, & Only 5x Heavyweight Champion of the World!

Holyfield met heavyweight champion, Mike Tyson, in a much-anticipated WBA bout on November 9, 1996. Though Tyson was heavily favoured to win, Holyfield scored a stunning upset with a technical knockout in the 11th round, becoming the heavyweight champion for the third time. He successfully defended his title on June 28, 1997, in a rematch against Tyson, who was disqualified after the third round for biting Holyfield’s ears.

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