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Jodie Fields

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Former Aus. Cricket Captain

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About me

  • Cricket
  • Sport
  • Australian Cricket Team
  • International Cricket
  • Queensland Fire
  • WNCL

Queensland’s first woman to captain the Australian Cricket Team, Jodie Fields, led her team through two tournament victories at the 2013 World Cup and 2012 World T20. Jodie successfully captained the team for five years and was named Queensland Sportswoman of the Year in 2013. After her retirement from international cricket, Jodie continued to play for the Queensland State Women’s team, Brisbane Heat, and ACT Meteors teams. Jodie utilises her experience in Australian sport to be a leader and advocate for change in the corporate industry. 

Jodie made history when she drove the renewed memorandum of understanding (MOU) for Australian cricket to include both men and women in the same agreement for the first time. She is a driven individual who is determined to make a difference for women, in sport, and corporate environments. Jodie demonstrated her passion towards equal opportunities for women in cricket when she established a personal scholarship scheme that assists with the development of young female cricketers. The Jodie Fields Young Cricketer Development Scholarship launched in 2014 in partnership with UQ Business School, Kookaburra Sport, and QLD Cricket Association. 

After growing up playing men’s cricket at school, Jodie made her debut with the Queensland Fire state team and captained the side for six years. Her international debut for Australia was in 2006, and by 2009 she was appointed the captain of the team. During Jodie’s first Test match as captain against England, she made an impressive captain’s knock of 139 runs. 

Jodie has extensive experience playing professional cricket and has many accomplishments and recognition for her value to the sport.  Her mindset of determination and motivation are apparent to all who hear her speak about her life and experiences as a professional female athlete.  

Jodie is a captivating speaker who inspires an audience when she talks about leadership, resilience and owning introversion. She motivates listeners to take on change and move forward through adversity.

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