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Delon Armitage

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Rugby Union Player

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About me

  • London Irish
  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • Premiership Rugby

One of England's most decorated rugby players and one of the biggest names in European rugby. Delon Armitage won the European Rugby Champions Cup 3 times as part of a star-studded team with Toulon. Winning 26 England caps and playing in the 2011 RWC in New Zealand, Delon's explosive performances at full-back made him the first choice on the team sheet for his clubs. Starting his career at London Irish, Delon moved through the England set up to win his first full cap in 2008. in 2012 after 165 appearances for London Irish Delon moved to RC Toulon where he went on to win score the only try in the 2013 European Cup Final. Delon added 2 more winners medals along with a TOP14 winners medal. 

Born in Trinidad but raised in London and Nice, Delon's pathway into professional rugby was not through the school system. After showing promise at Richmond, he was scouted by London Irish to join their first intake of academy players. Under the mentorship of Conor O'Shea, Delon shone in the full-back slot but was equally at home on the wing where he won his first England cap in 2008. Deadly accurate with long-range kicking he also scored a 45m drop goal against Australia.

After finishing his career at Lyon, Delon returned to London where he set up his rugby academy. He is passionate about providing opportunities to players who may not get a chance to play at a high level outside the established pathway through schools. With his natural enthusiasm and work ethic, his objectives for the academy are:

  • Generate a passion for the game in players not previously involved in rugby
  • Encourage participation from the local community from all backgrounds
  • Coach players to attain the highest possible standard in rugby excellence
  • Develop Elite Level players towards a career in rugby
  • Manage & motivate players to achieve a move into a professional setting

Life after rugby continues to be varied for Delon. His unique experience in working in a high-pressure environment with colleagues from different cultures means is well placed to share his insight into what it takes to get to the top.

Pressure, motivation and coping with change are all part of a professional athletes life. Delon has experienced first-hand how to manage expectations and deliver performances at the very highest level throughout his career. 

Three-time European Cup winner, 26 England caps including appearances in the Six Nations and 2011 Rugby World Cup, 126 games for London Irish, 108 Games for Toulon and a TOP 14 championship winners medal.

Available in

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South East, London, South West, East of England, Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands, East Midlands, North West, North East, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, New Jersey, New York, Florida, Massachusetts, Michigan, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

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