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Courtney Sippel

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Young female cricketer

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About me

  • Cricket
  • Sport
  • Brisbane Heat
  • WBBL
  • Queensland Fire
  • WNCL

Courtney currently plays for the Queensland Fire in the WNCL and also plays for the Brisbane Heat in the WBBL and wears the number 37. Growing up in a small community town, even with limited opportunities, there were still multiple young athletes coming through that had to work that bit harder to get to the elite level.

Courtney is originally from the small country area of Redgate, in South-East Queensland, North-West of Brisbane. Courtney played 8 years at Murgon DCC where she played all except 1 season in the male competition. She completed years 8-11 at Murgon SHS before moving to Chancellor SC to better her cricket where she graduated. 

Courtney is passionate about supporting young athletes in the smaller communities and is thankful for the opportunities that Queensland Cricket provides her with.

Courtney has an interest in coaching, working with younger children and promoting female cricket. She is currently studying early childhood education and care. 

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